Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Top 3 Healthcare Misconceptions

1) Drugs make you healthy.

If drugs made you healthy the healthiest people in the world would be those taking the most drugs. You don’t get headaches because there is a lack of neurofen in your blood! Depression is not caused by a prozac deficiency! The idea that these chemicals do anything other than create short term changes to your body chemistry is false.

We must also consider the so called side effects of the drugs. In fact the term “side effects” is misleading. Side effects do not exist. All drugs have an effect on the body behaviour. That is their purpose. Some are perceived as positive, some negative. None are side effects!

2) Germs make you sick.

For germs to be the sole cause of disease it would be impossible to find the disease in the absence of the germ. False! It would also be impossible for the germ to be present in the system without the disease arising. False!

Have you ever been in a house with four people and two get the flu but two do not? They were all exposed to the same germs. The difference is the immune systems ability to fight the germs.

Stresses reduce your immune function and thus limit your ability to fight the germ and disease. Chiropractic boosts immune function.

3) Traditional medical care represents healthcare.

The people that work in traditional medicine are good people. They have the best intentions and your best interests at heart. They also work extremely hard. However what they do has little relationship with health.

Traditional medicine is like the fire brigade. When your house is on fire there is little point calling a builder, carpenter or any other form of contractor. At that point you require the fire service. The firefighters will arrive with axes (surgery) to breakdown your door and water hoses (drugs) to extinguish the fire.

Following the fire though, when the damage needs to be repaired, or if you would like to protect your home against future fires, calling the fire brigade again would be of little benefit. The firefighters would return with their axes and hoses and cause more damage. At this point you require something different – the contractor.

Medical care is a vital part of society and saves many lives, but it doesn’t promote health. For health you require something different.

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